JUNIORS-Order your class ring to have in time for the Ring Ceremony!

Announcements for Monday, August 22:
Chicken Biscuit
Lucky Charms
Cinnamon Pop Tart
Nachos Grande
BBQ Cowboy Sandwich
Smart Mouth Cheese
Smart Mouth Pepperoni
Smart Mouth Beef
PBJ Uncrustable/Cheese
SENIORS: Picture retakes will NOT be today. They have been rescheduled for Oct. 6.
SENIORS: Interested in taking the SAT AT SCHOOL? SAT School Day will occur on October 27th!
Sign up in the front office. Deadline to sign up is August 31st.
Seniors Interested in Going to College? Sign up for the PROBE Fair at UWG on September 20th from 9-11:15. The sign-up sheet is located in the Front Office. Deadline to sign up is September 2nd (Tarpley)
FFA is looking for students to compete in Veterinary Science. Please see Mrs. Wilson for practice dates and more details!
(Wilson) *run for 1 week please.
Freshman Volleyball @ Newnan
JV Football @ HOME vs. Rockmart

SENIORS: Senior makeup portraits have been rescheduled for October 6. They will NOT be done Monday, August 22.

SOPHOMORES & JUNIORS: Scholastic Images will be on campus THURSDAY, 8/18 from 4-6PM AND FRIDAY, 8/19 during lunch, so don’t miss out ordering your Letter Jacket if you have earned a letter!
Just bring a $100 deposit along with proof that you earned your letter (actual award letter or certificate) and we’ll custom size you and walk you through the rest!
You can also order anytime online at www.scholasticimages.com or over the phone at (770) 614-9353! We can’t wait to see you!

SENIORS: Scholastic Images will be on campus THURSDAY, 8/18 from 4-6PM AND FRIDAY, 8/19 during lunch, so don’t miss out placing your orders for:
· Senior Cap & Gown Packages! (see attached flyer)
· Letter Jacket Orders for any student who has earned a letter! (see attached image)
If ordering a letter jacket, bring a $100 deposit along with proof that you earned your letter (actual award letter or certificate) and we’ll custom size you and walk you through the rest!
You can also order anytime online at www.scholasticimages.com or over the phone at (770) 614-9353! We can’t wait to see you!

JUNIORS AND SENIORS (AND PARENTS): Herff Jones will be on campus THIS Thursday (8/18) during lunch and from 4-6pm AND Friday (8/19) during lunch for class ring orders! We just need a $100 deposit for Ultrium rings to get your order started ($200 for all other metals) and we’ll walk you through the rest! If you would like to design or order your ring online, go to www.3rdascent.com today!

Announcements for Wednesday, August 17:
BREAKFAST: Breakfast Pizza, Mini Cinnamon Rolls, PBJ Uncrustable
LUNCH: Hamburger Steak w/ roll
Chicken Nuggets w/ Roll
Smart Mouth Pizza: Cheese, Pepperoni, or Sausage
PBJ Uncrust./Cheese/Pretzels
SENIORS: Interested in taking the SAT AT SCHOOL? SAT School Day will occur on October 27th!
Sign up in the front office. Deadline to sign up is August 31st.
Friday after school: Let’s Tailgate! FREE food and drinks for students.
JV/V Softball @ Home vs. LaGrange: 4:30 start time
Today is the first club meeting of the year for Student Council. Only students on the roster that has been shared with faculty and staff should attend the meeting. Applications have already been reviewed and the roster is finalized. See you in the StuCo room on the third floor, Room 329! (Adams)
Want to serve but don’t know where. There are a couple openings in Concessions. If you would like to help serve in the concessions come see me Mrs. Stacey.
Club Day Today: Rotation 2
FFA - Ms. Wilson
Stu Co. - Ms. Adams -> 3rd Floor
Academic Bowl - Ms. Poole
Skills AVT - Mr. Curbow
The volleyball team is looking for more managers. If you are interested please talk to Coach Campbell in room 325.
Seniors Interested in Going to College? Sign up for the PROBE Fair at UWG on September 20th from 9-11:15. The sign-up sheet is located in the Front Office. Deadline to sign up is September 2nd (Tarpley)

Announcements for Tuesday, August 16:
BREAKFAST: Steak Biscuit, Mini Blueberry Pancakes, Double Lucky Charms
LUNCH: Macaroni and cheese
Buffalo Chicken Bites and a Roll
Smart Mouth Pizza: Cheese, Pepperoni, or Sausage
PBJ Uncrustable and Goldfish
SENIORS: Interested in taking the SAT AT SCHOOL? SAT School Day will occur on October 27th!
Sign up in the front office. Deadline to sign up is August 31st.
Friday after school: Let’s Tailgate! FREE food and drinks for students.
JV/Varsity Softball @ Home vs. Central: 4:30 start time
JV/V Volleyball @ Home vs. Northside and Haralson Co.: 5:00 start time
Congratulations to the following students who have been selected to serve on your Student Council this year!
Freshmen: Avaleigh Adcock, Eli Boyd, Jorja Cain, Makyn Childers, Ella Coleman, Mack Googe, Luke Miller, Molly Moreland, and Kylie Nichol
Sophomores: Chloe Arrington, Tyler Bailey, Cora Betts, Skylar Davis, Lila Harrod, Erica Krusemark, Makenlie Lasseter, Harlee Lloyd, Peyton Nixon, and Rylee Reeves
Juniors: Chloe Costley, Kallee Crockett, Chloe Cummings, Tommy Googe, London Hill, Sara Hubbard, Jay Roberts, Callie Senn, Sarah Grace Shelnutt, and Alyssa Zoretic
Seniors: Simone Acosta, Dredyn Alexander, Madison Chambers, Brooklyn Curbow, Hannah Estoll, Adrianna Hollingsworth, Anna Jeter, Tyler Lasseter, Courtney Oliver, Caroline Phillips, Callie Phillips, Kadi Shelnutt, Tom Snider, Ansley Tisdale, Jacob Watts, and Aubrey Williams
See you all tomorrow in our first club meeting of the year! (Adams)
Want to serve but don’t know where. There are a couple openings in Concessions. If you would like to help serve in the concessions come see me Mrs. Stacey
Congratulations to the following juniors for being nominated as the Junior Council: Kallee Crockett, Chloe Cummings, LJ Green, Caroline Greenway, London Hill, Sara Hubbard, Sarah Grace Shelnutt.
Please swing by and see Coach Shelnutt at some point during the day.

Morning Announcements Monday, August 15

Hat Day at HCHS on Friday! $2 and you can wear a hat all day. Proceeds will be donated to the Huey family.

For the school year 2022-2023, Heard County is requesting all families to complete and submit a Free and Reduced Meal Application. The Free and Reduced Meal Application is easily accessed at https://secure.ezmealapp.com/ or a paper form is available at all schools. Please complete an application as soon as possible.

HCHS: School supplies are available for high school students. Supplies can be picked up from each students' teacher or the front office.

Braves Block Choices, Fall 2022

12th Future Plans

11th Future
Plans https://forms.gle/BDyouDWhWJKut39w9

10th Future Plans https://forms.gle/pABZ3thdCu3sJRpX8

9th Future Plans

We can't wait to see our One Brave Nation at Open House Today from 12-8 in the gym! Forms can be completed online before arriving. We will have Chromebooks available for those that need to complete forms here . If you pay using EZ School Pay there is no need to get in the payment line. We also accept cash, checks and debit cards. See you soon Brave Nation!


OPEN HOUSE is Monday, August 1st from 12:00 - 8:00. Please report directly to the gym when you get here to verify all registration forms are filled out, pick up your schedule, take your school photo, and pick up school supplies. ALL registration forms, including PROOF OF RESIDENCY, must be filled out before receiving a schedule. PARKING PASSES can be paid for at Open House, but passes will NOT be issued. If you pay for a parking pass at Open House, please come by the front office on Tuesday to pick up your pass. You will also have the ability to pay for chromebook insurance and this year's yearbook. We look forward to seeing you!