Seniors, if you haven't applied to college yet, you can likely apply for free this month. Go here to see which colleges in Georgia are waiving their application fees in March (technical colleges, also): https://www.gafutures.org/college-planning/apply-to-college-initiative/march-2022-application-fee-waivers/
Follow the instructions for your college of choice. If you have questions or need help, see Mrs. Roberts.

Click the link to access books that are located in the media center.

Teen Maze is March 1 and 2. Parents: Please see the attached letter for information.

Very proud to recognize our STAR student Xander Estes and STAR teacher Kristin Wilson at the Chamber of Commerce STAR luncheon. The two of you are great representatives for Heard County High School!

Don’t forget about Fun Friday!

We want to thank Dra. Cecilia Castro Lee for guest speaking and book signing her book with Advanced Spanish students. Making connections and seizing opportunities.

Congratulations to our JV and varsity academic team! They finished 3rd place today! Great job!

Seniors, the Georgia District Civitan Foundation has scholarship opportunities for high school seniors in the state of Georgia. The deadline is March 15 and applications are available from Mrs. Davis in the front office.

Come out and support our Braves as they take on the Callaway Cavaliers! We need YOU to pack the house Friday night! Be sure to wear your maroon!

Interested in working with Georgia Power? Please see the flyer with information about employment opportunities.

Young Georgia Authors Writing Competition Information

Registration Begins Monday, January 31! Please see the video for more information. Parents, we hope to see you here!

Seniors, the Tenaska Scholarship application is open now and due on February 11. This is a $1500 scholarship that goes unclaimed some years. Please go here to apply: https://www.tenaska.com/scholarship-form/
See Mrs. Roberts if you have any questions.

Dual Enrollment Parent Night
Monday, January 31st
Heard High School
6:00 PM
HHS Cafeteria

Juniors & Seniors: Herff Jones will be on campus next week Monday, January 31st during lunch, so don't miss out on placing your class ring orders!
Just bring your deposit along with your catalog filled out with the ring you would like to order. If you do not have your catalog, that is ok, we can still help you pick out your ring. We will get your ring size and walk you through the rest!
You can also order any time online at High School Class Rings and Graduation Products | Herff Jones. We can't wait to see you!

Congratulations to our inductees to the National Spanish Honor Society! It was especially exciting to have the opportunity to host this year’s ceremony in the GPAC.
NSHS recognizes student academic excellence among those that have chosen to exceed the requisite Spanish classes.
Officers lead the oath to continue their study of the Spanish language and culture. Congratulations!

REMINDER: Final payments for yearbook senior ads are due by February 4th. Email penny.hood@heard.k12.ga.us if you need to verify your balance.

Congratulations to our Academic Team! Both Varsity and JV placed 4th out of 12 teams today at Harris County! Great job!

Come out support our basketball teams!

I’m super proud of our Ethics Bowl team at Heard High School and need to brag on them a bit. They’ve prepped for months for this one day competition… Today we competed for nearly 13 hours at UWG and made it all the way to the championship round where we came home with second place (one point difference in us winning I might add 😜)! These students are young… yet still some of the smartest, most well spoken, and funniest people I know. And they will be going places in life! (Mrs. Molly Engel)