Senior Class Meeting! Welcome back to our Seniors!

Please use the following link to select your Braves Block!

All students need to report to ADVISEMENT tomorrow morning at 7:55. If you have DE classes in the morning, we still need you to be at ADVISEMENT. We will issue chromebooks and go over grade level specific information. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

Monday, August 2 from 12-8.
Please begin at the gym. Once you have your schedule please enter the building at the bridge.
We look forward to seeing you!

School pictures will be taken during Open House. Please dress appropriately.

Parking Permit Reminder:
Parking permits will NOT be issued at open house. See Mrs Cabe before that day. All money and forms need to be in ASAP . You MUST have a new permit to park on campus...even on the first day of school.

Today is the LAST day to complete Jot Forms and avoid the lines at Open House. You can access the forms though our website. Open House is Monday, Aug. 2 from 12 - 8.

1. SENIORS: Senior portraits are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. You should have confirmed or changed your appt. by now. Call Mrs. Cabe if you have questions.
2. UNDERCLASSMEN: You will have your school picture made during open house. No money required. Please be dressed appropriately.
3. Open house is Monday, August 2nd from 12-8. Open House will be in the gym. After receiving your schedule, you can visit your teachers. Please make every attempt to fill out all forms on our school website before then.
See you at Open House!

Parking Pass Update: July 13, 2021
Parking passes will NOT be sold today, Tuesday, July 13. Parking pass sales will resume on Wednesday, July 14.

CEC Update
Although we were looking forward to our partnership with the CEC in Coweta Co. this school year, we regret to inform you that this will be postponed until the 22-23 school year. Due to the damage that Newnan High School sustained during the storms in the spring, the CEC will house Newnan’s entire 9th grade class this school year. We do plan to reestablish this partnership with the CEC in 22-23. Students that had registered for courses at the CEC have been registered in corresponding courses here at HCHS. Thank you for your understanding.

HCHS Families,
If you completed a form but didn’t receive a “thank you message“ at the end and a confirmation email, then your form was not submitted. If you keep seeing “review answers”, then you have missed a mandatory field and never actually submitted the form.
Thank you again for your patience! Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you for your patience as we work through the kinks with our online registration process. To simplify the process, it does not matter which school webpage you go to to access the registration links. Once you begin completing the forms, you will be able to add all of your children no matter which schools they are attending. You only have to complete the registration forms one time for your family. Again, thank you for your patience. Continue to reach out if you have further questions.

Parking Passes Available Now!!!!

HCHS families, please visit our school’s webpage to find links to forms for returning students, students new to Heard County School System.

Current 11th and 12th Grade students interested in WBL, please fill out this form prior to Open House:

Free COVID-19 vaccine information.

Preordered 2021 Hehian Yearbooks will be delivered to seniors on Monday after their picture and schools tour. All other preordered books will be picked up on Tuesday. Listen for time and place in the announcements. Extra books may be purchased with cash or check on Wednesday during Braves block and all lunches for $60.

Our chorus did a great job on Tuesday night! Thank you Ms. Heard for giving our students this opportunity!

Congratulations to our seniors that are enlisting in the military! We are are proud of you and thank you for your commitment to serve our country!