Happy National School Nurse Day to our very own Ms. Elaine Noles! Thank you for all you do!

Milestones continue next week:
US History May 11
Coordinate Algebra May 12
Biology May 13

American Literature EOC starts this Thursday May 6th for part 1 and parts 2/3 will be Friday May 7th

Happy Administrative Professionals’ Day to these amazing ladies! They do a fantastic job supporting our staff, students, and parents. They are selfless and every day live out “Putting Kids First”! Thank you Sandra Holtzclaw, Lisa Tatum, Lori Cabe, and Mary Davis!

Congratulations to senior Annie Bradley on being a finalist candidate for an FFA state officer position. She is 1 of 12 finalists! Congratulations Annie and good luck!

Milestone Testing Dates for HCHS
May 6&7 American Literature
May 11 US History
May 12 Coordinate Algebra
May 13 Biology

Interested in being in LINEMAN? Check out this information!

Seniors: We are having a virtual career day on Thursday, April 15th from 1:30 - 2:30. You will need to click on the link provided and upload a resume. Please let an adult in the building know if you need help with this. There is an image of the employers that will be present.

Tennis Senior Night 2021! Congratulations Seth, Juliann and Whit!

Mr. Hurd and his “unofficial” jazz band...they are amazing!

Due to the 2 hour delayed start time, our doors will open at 9:10. Students will report directly to 2nd block upon arriving to school. Breakfast will be available from 9:15-9:50 at the kiosks on the 1st and 2nd floor and in the cafeteria. Students will be tardy at 9:50. Please be careful coming in. We look forward to seeing you!

Congrats to these Students of the Month

We are celebrating FFA week at Heard High! Great times!

Local scholarship applications are now available! Visit the table in front of Mrs. Davis' desk. Applications are due back Friday 3/26.

Celebrate with FFA this week by dressing up!

Prom Update:
Prom will be April 3, 2021.
- temperature checks will be required
- masks will be encouraged
- students attending prom will be required to sign a waiver
More information to come soon!

Dual Enrollment Students: The last day to withdraw with a “W” is March 8th for WGTC and April 2nd for UWG. Contact Mrs. Hall with questions.

Congrats to our students of the month!!

Congratulations to our Class of ‘21 Valedictorian Briley Porter and Salutatorian Seth Flemming! We are proud of your accomplishments!

Prom Update
The originally scheduled prom date of April 3 has been postponed. We will let you know once a new date has been secured. Thank you for your understanding as we strive to do what is best for our students.