Read Across America week.
Some cool future careers for some of our students as we celebrate day 1 of Read Across America week.
Addition mastery on Moby Max for Olivia and Noah. Way to go guys!
Mr Rylee Atkins has earned a medal for knowing his first set of kindergarten sight words. Congrats Rylee!!
Happy Birthday to these kiddos this week… Preslee, Duke, Zach, Wyatt, and Brooke!
Carter Hardman with a math medal for subtraction skills!
Please see the message below from Coach Dye!
Get ready! Kids Heart Challenge is happening March 4 - March 25! We’re excited to learn about heart health and emotional well-being while having FUN and SAVING LIVES. Sign up today so you don’t miss out!
PreK looking TWO good on 2/22/22.
Our 2nd graders, now and then (when they were actually two)!
Twosday 2/22/22 fun. More tutus, ties, and tennis shoes. Btw, Tate wore the white shirt and tie best!
Twosday 2/22/22. Tutus, ties, and tennis shoes! Look for more Twosday pics throughout twoday!
Congrats to Luke and Kingston… 100% fluent in Reflex multiplication and division.
We had a successful Book Fair last week! Thank you all for your support. All proceeds from this book fair will be used to purchase furniture and supplies for the library.
April we will have a BOGO Book Fair! More information will come home in March!
Twomorrow is a super cool day… It’s Twosday, 2/22/22. Join in the fun and wear your tie, tennis shoes, and/or tu-tus!
Noah and Nolan earned a medal for mastering a list of kindergarten sight words! Great job guys!
Looking good!
Just hanging with my peeps!
A night of fun!
Valentine’s Dance pics coming up.