CES Parents... Please remember that all student registration forms need to be completed before midnight of July 28. The links will then be shut down for school use until Open House on August 2. Completing the forms now will keep you from waiting in line to complete them at school on August 2. Thank you.
about 3 years ago, Ken Wiggins
Upcoming Dates and Information: July 23 : Popsicles with the Principal (3:30pm - 5:30pm). CES students and parents... Please join me for a "meet and greet." We'll meet under the CES playground pavilion. July 26 : Orientation meeting (5:30pm) for new PreK families at CES. This is an informational meeting for parents. We will meet in the CES cafeteria. August 2 : Open House at CES (10:00am - 6:00pm)
about 3 years ago, Ken Wiggins
Friendly reminder for CES families... School supplies for K-5 students are being purchased this year by the Heard County School System. Parents may only want or need to provide book bags for their students.
about 3 years ago, Ken Wiggins
HCSS student school supply list
CES Families... OPEN HOUSE is scheduled for Monday, August 2, starting at 10:00am and ending at 6:00pm. Reminder... There are posts and videos on our Facebook page and school website to help with the student registration forms required at Open House. There will also be a "parent letter" sent home in the next few days with other information and dates. See you soon!
about 3 years ago, Ken Wiggins
CES families... I hope your weekend is going well. I don't mean to overload you with information, but I want to keep you in the loop... IF you completed a form, but did not receive a "thank you message" at the end and a confirmation email, then your form was not "accepted and submitted." If you keep seeing "review answers," you have missed a mandatory field and never actually submitted the form. Again, thank you for your patience!
about 3 years ago, Ken Wiggins
One more video... This video contains information on the After School Program for all elementary schools in Heard County. https://youtu.be/qFYmGMvSbmA
about 3 years ago, Ken Wiggins
Please see the video about our 21-22 school year registration forms. https://youtu.be/3M-GKNbg5KE
about 3 years ago, Ken Wiggins
Hello CES families, Thank you for your patience as we work through the kinks with our online registration process. We have a couple of pieces that we want to clear up. First, it does not matter which school webpage you click on to access the registration links. Once you are in and completing the forms, you will be able to add all of your children no matter which schools they are attending. You only have to complete the registration forms one time for your family. Second, PreK students are required to complete these registration forms in addition to the PreK specific forms that you have already completed. Finally, if you are applying for the After School Program (ASP), please make sure you complete the ASP Registration (this will only be done one time) and then complete the ASP Weekly Registration to indicate the days your child will be attending ASP. You can also complete the Weekly Registration prior to the week you plan for your child to stay for the ASP. Again, thank you for your patience. Continue to reach out if you have further questions. - Mr Ken Wiggins
about 3 years ago, Ken Wiggins
One more announcement tonight for our CES families... There is also information about the After School Program registration on our school website. Please take a look at it if you are interested.
about 3 years ago, Ken Wiggins
Good evening CES families... Please visit our school's webpage to find links to forms for returning students and students NEW to Heard County. These are the forms we hope everyone will complete before our Open House on August 2. Thank you!
about 3 years ago, Ken Wiggins
Happy JULY 4th everyone!
about 3 years ago, Ken Wiggins
July 4th
Grades K-5 school supplies will be provided by the HCSS this year!
about 3 years ago, Ken Wiggins
HCSS student school supply list
After School Program FAQs
about 3 years ago, Ken Wiggins
ASP info
Hey guys! Couple reminders... All elementary schools within the Heard County School System will have an After School Program this year. Details will be finalized and posted soon. Also, the HCSS will provide school supplies for all K-5 students. No need for parents to purchase those this year. The list of items is posted on Facebook and the school website.
about 3 years ago, Ken Wiggins
Hello Centralhatchee students and parents. Please remember to check the school's Live Feed section of the webpage and the school's Facebook page for information on the After School Program. We want to make sure everyone has answers to some of the questions you may have about the program. Thank you.
about 3 years ago, Ken Wiggins
ASP info
The HCSS will provide students with school supplies for the 21-22 school year. Please see the information posted here.
about 3 years ago, Ken Wiggins
HCSS student school supply list
This message is for all students and parents of Centralhatchee Elementary School. Please check the school's website and Facebook page for information on the After School Program and student school supplies. Thank you and have a good summer.
about 3 years ago, Ken Wiggins
ASP info
Happy Summer!
about 3 years ago, Ken Wiggins
Happy Summer!
Field Day begins tomorrow at 8:00 a.m. Please wait for your child's class to come outside. You do not need to check in at the office. Pre-K will begin in the gym. You may enter at the outside doors of the gym at 8:00. ll other grades will begin on the field. Field day shirts will be given out to students tomorrow morning when they arrive at school. Parents will only be allowed in the gym and gym restrooms. Thank you for your cooperation. Parking is limited, so please carpool if possible.
about 3 years ago, Dawn Bennett
Field Day, May 18, 2021
Awards Day Information. We will have seating for 2 guests per student.
about 3 years ago, Dawn Bennett
Awards Information